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Living willow structures are planted over the winter months and will begin to grow in the spring. Woven from individual willow rods they will, over time, fuse to create a sturdy living structure which will live for years.



Willow is an amazing material with which to build outdoor structures. It is natural, flexible, strong and alive meaning it will change with the seasons.


Willow is a tree known for its catkins in spring. As an early flowering tree, the pollen provides a vital source of nectar for insects at a time when other sources are rare. As well as being a fun space, your willow structure will provide habitat for all kinds of living things. 


Willow structures are particularly popular with schools who are working to encourage their pupils to explore the great outdoors and learn about nature. But they are just as good in a garden setting. The above photo is a willow tunnel I installed at a local primary school to lead into their forest school area. 


Whether you're looking for a natural play area with domes and tunnels for children, an arbour providing a shaded seating area or a living willow barrier to define your outdoor space, please get in touch to discuss your ideas.


There is a short window for planting living willow structures as they need to go in the ground between January and April - so it is worth planning ahead of time.


I can offer a full design, install and maintain service but am just as happy working with you to design your structure. You can be as involved with all stages of the project as you like including installation.



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